Omurice (Japanese Omelette Rice). Omurice, a beloved staple of Japanese home cooking, is a linguistic and literal mash-up of omelet and rice. A plain omelet cloaks ketchup-flavored fried rice, often called "chicken rice" even when it's made with ham or bacon, or no meat at all. It belongs to the category of so-called Western food know as yoshoku.
Pada artikel kali ini, kita akan membuat Omurice (Japanese Omelette Rice) dengan 7 langkah. Yuk disimak cara mengolahnya.This Easy Omurice Recipe is a delicious way to mix up your egg routine. Inspired by the Japanese Omurice, I make my own version of this Japanese Omelet Rice simple, easy, and tasty, with quick-cooking rice, shredded chicken, eggs, and plenty of veggies flavored with sesame oil, soy sauce, and ketchup! Japanese kids' favourite dish, Omurice (Japanese Rice Omelette) is another Western-influenced Japanese dish. Kamu bisa mengolah Omurice (Japanese Omelette Rice) menggunakan 11 bahan ini dan hanya dengan 7 cara mudah untuk membuatnya. Langsung saja disimak
Komposisi untuk membuat Omurice (Japanese Omelette Rice)
- Ambil 1 piring nasi.
- Tambahkan 2 butir telur.
- Siapkan 50 gr kornet sapi pronas.
- Siapkan 2 siung bawang putih.
- Ambil 2 batang daun bawang.
- Siapkan 1/2 sdt lada bubuk.
- Tambahkan 2 sdm saos tiram (tambahan saya).
- Siapkan 1 sdm kecap manis.
- Ambil 2 sdm saos sambal.
- Tambahkan 1 buah tomat, potong dadu (tambahan saya).
- Tambahkan Secukupnya keju (sya skip).
It is basically an omelette with ketchup-flavoured chicken fried rice inside it. The word 'omurice' or 'omuraisu' (オムライス) is a typical Japanese-made English dish. Omurice or Omuraisu, made from the combined words of omelet and rice (raisu in Japanese), is basically that— but with a Japanese twist. Today's recipe is Omurice, or Japanese Omelette Rice.
Cara mengolah Omurice (Japanese Omelette Rice)
- Siapkan bahan yang akan diolah..
- Kocok telur lalu buat telur dadar. Angkat, sisihkan di piring..
- Panaskan sedikit minyak goreng. Tumis bawang putih sampai harum. Masukkan kornet, aduk rata..
- Masukkan nasi, beri kecap manis, saos tiram, saos sambal, lada bubuk. Aduk rata..
- Masukkan daun bawang, aduk rata. Masukkan potongan tomat, aduk rata kembali. Koreksi rasa. Angkat..
- Taruh nasi diatas telur dadar, kemudian lipat hingga nasi tertutup. Siap disajikan..
- Oishi!.
I received a lot of requests from readers for this recipe and I was a bit surprised how popular this dish is. At most Japanese restaurants we have in the Bay Area, Omurice is not even on the menu, but I think this dish is pretty well-known and popular in Asian countries outside of Japan. For those unfamiliar with omurice, it's a Japanese invention that combines an omelette with fried rice. You'll often hear it referred to as omuraisu (a contraction of the words omuretsu and raisu , the Japanese pronunciations of "omelette" and "rice"), or omumeshi , which fully translates "rice" into Japanese. Omurice, or Omuraisu as it's pronounced in Japan, is a portmanteau of "Omelette" and "Rice." It's unclear where the dish originated, but in Japan, Omurice is considered yōshoku(western food), and it was probably created around the turn of the last century when western-style cafes became popular.