Lontong rice cooker ANTI RIBET!!!. BAHAN LONTONG: beras sesui kebutuhan air ALAT: Rice cooker atau magicom loyang atau cetakan alas plastik atau daun pisang. Brown rice is easier, too. quicker to clean, takes away a lot of the 'excuses' It's rice cooker, pressure cooker, slow cooker, etc. It makes making bulk dry goods like rice, dried beans, etc. much easier.
Pada artikel kali ini, kita akan membuat Lontong rice cooker ANTI RIBET!!! dengan 2 langkah. Langsung saja disimak cara mengolahnya.I always get a crust on the bottom when using my rice cooker, whether it's brown, jasmine, or sweet rice. For the most part I don't mind, but there are times when it would be preferable. A wide variety of rice cooker options are available to you, such as certification. Kamu bisa membuat Lontong rice cooker ANTI RIBET!!! menggunakan 3 bahan ini dan hanya dengan 2 cara simpel untuk membuatnya. Yuk disimak
Bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk memasak Lontong rice cooker ANTI RIBET!!!
- Ambil 3 cup beras.
- Tambahkan 9 cup air.
- Siapkan 1 sdt garam.
See more ideas about Indonesian food, Indonesian cuisine, Food. Simbok kasih cara cepet yang irit gas paling cocok untuk jumlah sedikit yang habis dalam sehari. This cilantro lime rice (rice cooker) recipe is delicious and flavorful! Serve it next to chicken, in burritos or fajita bowls!
Cara mengolah Lontong rice cooker ANTI RIBET!!!
- Cuci beras, tambahkan air, lalu masak beras di dlm rice cooker. Jika sudah matang dimakan 10-15menit baru angkat nasinya..
- Pindahkan ke wadah dengan di tekan2 sampai terasa padat. Boleh di Cetak ke wadah lalu dinginkan di dlm kulkas sampai dingin, Baru bisa di potong sesuai selera..
Last week I told you about my mad love for my rice cooker, so I'll spare you on that. BUT I will say this recipe is SO much easier because of it. Once it gets cooked well,kheer is ready to serve. Garnish it with ghee fried cashews and raisins. However, the newer rice cookers from good manufacturers like Zojirushi, Panasonic, Mitsubishi and so on handle small amounts of rice in their big-capacity rice cookers.